Why we started All Caps Studio.

Why we started All Caps Studio.

Lately, I've been reflecting a lot, especially after meeting with our partner company, Resonance, about why I created All Caps Studio. At its core, the initial reason was to help people. It all started with the idea of being "here to help." We first created a t-shirt with this quote: "Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it." This quote is from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. I wanted to share it because there's immense value in starting something you've always thought about. You never know where those ideas can lead or how you might grow from pursuing them.

After these reflections, I've realized that our brand has operated differently since then. We've been functioning more traditionally, and things have been feeling quite different, especially considering the impact of the pandemic. I want us to return to our roots and find ways to help our community. I want every aspect of what we do to be intentional, from the clothing we create to the content we produce and the events and workshops we organize. I want everything we do to be helpful in some way.

We will slowly be restructuring our processes, and I'm excited to show you all what we're working on and to take you along on this journey with us!

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